And while the bakers still snored along –
their work was finished and done.
The butcher also fell asleep –
but, who took care of the meat ?
Heinzelmen with knife and fork,
started to cut the pork
in pieces and slices
and mixed it with spices.
They fixed the sausages well
to be placed in the store to sell.
Down in the cellar
there was the winemaker.
He took care of the barrels of wine
and there he drank from time to time
- till he fell asleep by the barrel.
Heinzelmen worked without a quarrel:
they hauled and shifted
they rolled and lifted,
they filled
and spilled
and poured the wine
into the bottles so fine.
There once was a worrying tailor
about sewing a coat for the Mayor!
But soon he went to bed.
Heinzelmen instead --
they all came with pleasure
and started to measure.
They cut it to fold it,
put pins to hold it,
they sewed the seams
and fixed the hem,
and when they finished on time
everything seemed fine....
But --- the tailor’s wife got curious
and she was getting furious - ! -
She scattered peas the following night.
Heinzelmen came ---
--- she put on light
oh - what a sight !
They rolled and skipped
and fell and slipped,
cried out with fears,
bounced down the stairs,
rushed out of the door
and were not seen anymore.
Oh dear - now they are gone -
no-one can be a lazybone !
All have their worries,
everyone hurries
and runs und rushes,
scrubs and brushes,
rolls and lifts,
moves and shifts,
cooks and bakes,
mixes and shakes
Oh - if only times could be
as easygoing and happily -
but this will never be !